When creating a software system, regardless of size, composability is a key feature. This applies to functions and classes, and in distributed systems it applies to microservices as well. A programming language encourages composability by making the units of composition easy to create. Thus, microservices should be easy to create also. And, in some languages, they are.

This isn’t always true in Java, however. Java’s robust ecosystem makes me want to use it for developing distributed systems, but it simply takes way too long to go from zero lines of code to a functional REST service.

Hence the non-creatively-named “servers” component of my Zoomulus project. The goals are:

  • Build atop java.nio for performance
  • Create a generic and flexible base-level implementation for future uses
  • Abstract as many details away from the consumer as possible, so you focus more on business logic and less on setup
  • Make it easy to create a stand-alone service quickly

A Simple Netty HTTP Server

Netty was an obvious choice to get started here. It’s built atop java.nio and is really powerful and flexible. It also requires a bit of study to know how to get it set up. Here’s an example of a fairly “simple” HTTP server with Netty. (You can download the full example from my gist.)

public class NettyHttpServer
  private ChannelFuture channel;
  private final EventLoopGroup masterGroup;
  private final EventLoopGroup slaveGroup;
  public NettyHttpServer()
    masterGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
    slaveGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();        

  public void start() // #1
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread()
      public void run() { shutdown(); }
      // #3
      final ServerBootstrap bootstrap =
        new ServerBootstrap()
          .group(masterGroup, slaveGroup)
          .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() // #4
            public void initChannel(final SocketChannel ch)
              throws Exception
              ch.pipeline().addLast("codec", new HttpServerCodec());
                new HttpObjectAggregator(512*1024));
                new ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter() // #5
                public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg)
                  throws Exception
                  if (msg instanceof FullHttpRequest)
                    final FullHttpRequest request = (FullHttpRequest) msg;
                    final String responseMessage = "Hello from Netty!";
                    FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
                    if (HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(request))
                    super.channelRead(ctx, msg);
                public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)
                  throws Exception
                public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                  Throwable cause) throws Exception
                  ctx.writeAndFlush(new DefaultFullHttpResponse(
          .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 128)
          .childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
      channel = bootstrap.bind(8080).sync();
    catch (final InterruptedException e) { }
  public void shutdown() // #2

    catch (InterruptedException e) { }

  public static void main(String[] args)
    new NettyHttpServer().start();

You’re right - this doesn’t look “simple” at all. It turns out setting up something that seems fairly basic, even with a great foundation like Netty, is more complicated than it feels like it should be. You’re trying to solve a business problem, not write a server.

Of course, we would never actually write our server like this, putting everything into a single function in a single class. I wrote the example this way to help answer this question: What does it take to create a Netty HTTP server anyway?

First, you need it to act like a server. In our case, this is essentially done with the start() (#1) and shutdown() (#2) methods. When the application runs, we invoke the start() method. One of the first things it does is set up a shutdown hook to call shutdown(). That way a simple CTRL+C or SIGTERM can cause the server to gracefully exit. No matter how many servers we create, we will probably want code like this for all of them.

Second, we have to bootstrap the server. In this example this is done within the try block in the start() method (#3). In Netty, bootstrapping the server consists of building a ServerBootstrap object and then keeping track of the ChannelFuture it creates. When the server shuts down, we will close that ChannelFuture. Again, no matter how many servers we create, we will probably want code like this for all of them. Really the only things that might vary from one HTTP server to another would be the port we are listening on and the child handlers we register with the ServerBootstrap.

Third, we have to add a child handler. In this example we defined the child handler inline and added it to the ServerBootstrap via its childHandler() method (#4). The initHandler() method of the HTTP child handler sets up a request handling pipeline, running it through a number of Netty-provided handlers before it gets handed off to our own custom handler. Again, this step would probably be the same for most HTTP servers.

Finally, we add our own custom handler (#5). This handles the details of the HTTP request for our particular implementation. But even here, there’s a lot of common things to handle, including a lot that we didn’t take care of in this example, like whether the request has permission to perform the requested action, is the requested method supported, is the protocol version supported, is the requested path found, etc. Most of this could be handled for us also.

To really accomplish my goals, I would need to make this a lot simpler.

The Zoomulus HTTP Server

Beginning at the End

When I started out, I wrote a test server first - an example of how a consumer would consume this library. I wanted to know where I was heading.

It didn’t start out exactly like this, but was pretty close.

public class TestHttpServerRunner extends HttpServer
  final Injector injector;
  public TestHttpServerRunner(final Injector injector)
    this.injector = injector;
  public static void main(final String[] args)
    Guice.createInjector(new TestHttpServerModule())

Using Guice for dependency injection offers consumers a lot of flexibility at the implementation level. The dependency injection is defined in the class TestHttpServerModule. This post isn’t about dependency injection or Guice here so I won’t go into details. Suffice it to say that in the simple case it only defines two injectable things: The port I want to listen to, and an abstract class implementation that will actually generate the responses.

Defining the Server

HttpServer is a class in the com.zoomulus.servers project:

public class HttpServer extends BasicNettyServer
  public static final String LISTEN_PORT_NAME = "listenPort";
  public HttpServer(final Injector injector,
                    @Named(LISTEN_PORT_NAME) int port)
  public HttpServer(final ServerConnector connector)

Notice how it accepts the @Named parameter LISTEN_PORT_NAME. This is the port defined in our injection module which tells us the port we will listen on.

HttpServer itself extends the class BasicNettyServer, which is where a lot of the fun happens:

public class BasicNettyServer implements Server
  private final List<ServerConnector> connectors;
  private List<ChannelFuture> channels = Lists.newArrayList();
  private final EventLoopGroup masterGroup;
  private final EventLoopGroup slaveGroup;
  public BasicNettyServer(final ServerConnector connector)

  public BasicNettyServer(final List<ServerConnector> connectors)
    this.connectors = connectors;
    masterGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
    slaveGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
  public void start()
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread()
      public void run() { shutdown(); }

      // for each connector, build a bootstrap,
      // start and save the ChannelFuture
      for (final ServerConnector connector : connectors)
        final ServerBootstrap bootstrap =
          new ServerBootstrap()
            .group(masterGroup, slaveGroup)
            .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 128)
            .childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
    catch (final InterruptedException e) { }

  public void shutdown()

    for (final ChannelFuture channel : channels)
      catch (InterruptedException e) { }

The BasicNettyServer class takes care of two of the things we discussed earlier. First, it sets up the basic server start() and shutdown() methods, and second, it takes care of bootstrapping the server. In this case, we support any number of ServerConnector objects and create a bootstrap for each one, managing the lifecycle of them all. This allows a single server to listen on multiple ports if we so choose.

ServerConnector is part of com.zoomulus.servers; we will look at that next.

Setting Up the ChannelInitializer

The ServerConnector interface is used to contain implementation details needed to bootstrap the Netty server. com.zoomulus.servers includes a default implementation called HttpServerConnector which is usually sufficient.

public class HttpServerConnector implements ServerConnector
  int port;
  final Optional<Injector> injector;
  public static final String CODEC_HANDLER_NAME  = "codec_handler";
  public static final String COMPRESSOR_HANDLER_NAME = "compressor_handler";
  public static final String AGGREGATOR_HANDLER_NAME = "aggregator_handler";
  public static final String HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLER_NAME = "http_request_handler";

  public ChannelInitializer<?> getChannelInitializer()
    return new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>()
      public void initChannel(final SocketChannel ch) throws Exception
        ch.pipeline().addLast(CODEC_HANDLER_NAME, new HttpServerCodec());
          new HttpObjectAggregator(512*1024));
        if (compress())
            new HttpContentCompressor()

This snippet isn’t all of HttpServerConnector but shows the main part - how the Netty ChannelInitializer gets set up, which was the third item in our list of things our simple server needed to handle. Using our injector to obtain an HttpHandler instance allows us to inject an HttpResponder which is where we will implement the custom details of how this HTTP server responds to requests.

HttpHandler and HttpResponder are both part of com.zoomulus.servers. Let’s take a look at how those finish the picture.

Defining our Responder

The last thing to do to get the server set up is to define a responder. Responders extend HttpResponder which does most of the work for you. Here’s a very simple responder that always answers with a static message:

public final class DefaultHttpResponder extends HttpResponder
  protected boolean haveMatchingResource(HttpRequest request)
    return true;

  protected boolean isSupportedMethod(HttpRequest request)
    return true;

  protected FullHttpResponse generateResponse(HttpRequest request,
                                              HttpHeaders headers)
    return createSuccessResponse("Hello from Netty!");

HttpResponder and HttpHandler take care of the bulk of the HTTP processing we had left to do in our final step in the “simple” server above, meaning all our custom responder has to do is generate the response text.

Now we can simply run the server at the command line and test it with a simple tool like curl.

Creating a Custom HTTP Server

Now that we have this framework in place, creating our own custom HTTP server should be as simple as:

  • Define our own HttpResponder subclass that does our custom response handling
  • Define our own Guice module that sets up our HttpResponder subclass for injection
  • Define our own HttpServer subclass that constructs the server using our module for dependency injection

That’s it. In a future post I’ll show how easy this is to do.

com.zoomulus.servers is available on GitHub and on Sonatype so you can include it in your project with Maven.